
Pricing & Packages

We offer solutions to get you organized and keep you that way!

Creating functional environments from relaxing sanctuaries to productive office spaces.

We develop systems to keep things in order and banish chaos. 

How long will it take, you ask?

It’s ok, we hear that a lot!

While we strive to make this process as painless as possible, all jobs have challenges, right? Some things that alter the speed in which a project is completed include:

  • The amount of clutter
  • Sorting and staging space
  • Personal attachment
  • Ability to make quick decisions
  • Availability in scheduling sessions

OK, I'm intrigued! But, what's this going to cost?

No worries! We hear that one even more! 

We offer several options tailored to fit your project – just as we tailor our process to fit you!

All Packages include:

  • Initial Assessment of the Space(s) and Discussion of Your Needs
  • Space Planning and Design
  • Decluttering, Organizing, and Coaching
  • Shopping for Storage Solutions and Organizing Products
  • Follow-Up Correspondence Between Sessions
  • Arrangement for Donation and Trash Removal
  • Free “Therapy”!!*

* We are not Licensed Therapists or Medical Professionals.

20 Hour Package

$ 2000
  • Purge, Group, Contain
  • Product Recommendations
  • Donation Drop-off
  • Keep It Organized Call

40 Hour Package

$ 4000
  • Purge, Group, Contain
  • Product Recommendations
  • Donation Drop-off
  • Keep It Organized Call
  • On-Site Coaching
  • One Maintenance Visit

60 Hour Package

$ 6000
  • Purge, Group, Contain
  • Product Recommendations
  • Donation Drop-off
  • Keep It Organized Call
  • On-Site Coaching
  • One Maintenance Visit
  • Next Steps Coaching Call

20 Hour Package

$ 1520 5-Hour Sessions
  • On-Site Coaching
  • Free "Therapy" Session

50 Hour Package

$ 3400 5-Hour Sessions
  • On-Site Coaching
  • Free "Therapy" Session

100 Hour Package

$ 6400 5-Hour Sessions
  • On-Site Coaching
  • Free "Therapy" Session

WHOA! My project isn't THAT big, but I still need help!

We got you! No stressing, remember?  🙂

We offer two alternate solutions for those who have smaller projects or REALLY want to tackle it themselves. This works best for those who can do the homework but just need an expert in creativity, coaching, and accountability. 

Single Session

$ 400 Single 5-Hour Session
  • On-Site Decluttering, Organizing, and Coaching
  • Follow-Up Call

DIY + Coaching

$ 100 Per Session via Video Call
  • Virtual Decluttering & Organization Coaching
  • Scheduled Coaching Calls

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(949) 391-9569
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