
Hi, I'm Ramey...

I'm on a Mission To Reduce Stress & Make Happy Homes​!

Our team coaches people to live their best lives by giving them POWER over their space!

I am honored when someone who is anxious or embarrassed about the status of their household reaches out to me.

When someone is at wit’s end and overwhelmed, they don’t know where to start. It all becomes too much and they give up.

Once they are tired of living that way and take action, they commit to making their lives better. 

Sharing that sense of serenity and readiness with a client puts a warm, fuzzy feeling in my heart. I know how wonderful it feels to look around and know that it’s ready for anything!

Reach out today and start living your own best life!

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes you different than other organizers?

We bring an empathetic approach to your project. We will never force you to make a decision you are not comfortable with. When you work with Pacific Organizers, you receive judgement-free, friendly, caring, and kind coaching. We keep you focused on the task at hand to make sure no time is wasted. We understand that you have unique needs and desires for your space and we work with you to achieve the perfect result for you!

How do I get started?

The very first thing you should do is stop blaming yourself (or anyone else)! We have never met a client who is not beating themselves up for their current situation. Guilt has a particularly paralyzing effect on progress. When you reach out to us, we will discuss your situation, how you got where you are, and where you would like to end up.

Should I clean up before you come?

NO! There is no need to “prepare” the space for our sessions. In fact, the worse it is, the better we can assess the real problem areas and formulate a plan to remedy them. What you may see as “horrible”, we see as opportunity!

Why would I need additional organizers?

Timing! If your project has a hard, short deadline like moving or a gathering, you will likely need additional organizers to help complete it in time. Additional organizers increase the hourly rate by the number of organizers.

How long will it take to get organized?

Less time than you would have imagined! Each space is different and the rate of organization often depends on how quickly a person can make decisions. Our team keeps you on task, but we never rush or pressure you into getting rid of anything. If you need a short break, there is always something we can do independently to keep the project moving forward. 

What does an Organizing Session look like?

Each session is usually between 4 to 6 hour increments to keep you on track to achieve your goals in the desired timeframe. We start by making a giant mess! 🙂 After we have talked through everything, we completely clear out the space to be worked on, group items to keep, donate, sell, trash, etcetera. Once purging is complete and we know what is left to organize, we suggest the best products for your space to organize everything. Using those products, we group like items together, label them, and beautify the space.

Do the packages include the cost of organizing products?

No. The cost of organizational tools (beyond labels) is a separate. We recommend products looking for the lowest cost solution that works with your décor and budget. We send you the recommendations and allow you to purchase them as needed. Of course, if needed, we can purchase for you if we have payment up front and the items fit in our vehicles (when delivery is not an option).

Do I have to throw my things away?

You will only toss something if you truly do not want it and it cannot be repurposed or donated. We strongly believe in the “maybe” pile. If you are not sure about something, we let it sit while we finish the space. We have found that when the space is done, clients often find that decision much easier.

Do I need to be present during the sessions?

At the beginning, you will need to be present until we have a clear picture of your desires for the space and to help eliminate items you no longer want or need. After the initial purge, we can take the reins and get everything organized. In fact, this is a bit more fun for us because we love the “big reveal”!

Can my kids be home while we organize?

It depends on the kids, their ages, and the space we are working with. Younger kids can slow down the process which costs you more money. Some kids love to be involved in the process and are great at helping purge things, while others may not. We want to be fast to give you the biggest bang for your buck.

Is our work together confidential?

ALWAYS! In our agreement, you will have the opportunity to sign off on pictures or to decline. Everything you share will be held in strictest confidentiality. If you are interested in sharing a testimonial, we will only post or speak of the information that you choose to share with others.

Will you help me donate the things I choose to part with?

Absolutely! We pack up items for donation and drop them off at donation centers. If you have a specific charity you would like to take things to, we can also do that if it is within 5 miles of your location free of charge.

Is there a travel fee?

Travel is included at no additional cost up to a 60-minute round trip. Additional travel time begins at $50 per session.

Which spaces in my home do you organize?

We organize ANY room! The kid’s playroom, closets, kitchen, or even the garage! You can see a full listing of areas and rooms serviced on the Services Page.

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